A Beautiful Mess: The Story of God’s Extravagant Love for an Ordinary Girl

I am ordinary.

My life is ordinary.

I go to my ordinary job.

I worry about ordinary things.

I stress about how to do it all.

This is why I want to share. I know what it is like to be ordinary, but I have also found that God loves to take ordinary things and do the extraordinary. He takes an ordinary girl like me and writes an extraordinary love story!

A close up photo of a woman with purple hair making direct eye contact with the camera while different colors of paint drip down her face. She has very striking, blue eyes and a nose ring.

All of a sudden, I look around and I don’t see ordinary anymore, I see beauty and uniqueness and a perfect, premeditated design!

The best part is – it doesn’t matter if anyone else sees it – IT IS MY LOVE STORY. I share it here with you because I know you can have your own too!

As we go through life, God seems to always provide just what we need at any given time if we only look to him. His Word and his promises are ours to keep and to see us through.

Through this blog, I hope to share with you some of those significant “God moments” in my life. To share the story of how God has been faithful to his Word to me and written this amazing love story. It is my journey of learning to lean on God, stand on his Word, and trust him completely for my every need. The journey has not always been fun or pretty or exciting, but it has been worthwhile.

Looking back over my life since I first began to understand the value and importance of speaking God’s Word, I can see how he has been faithful to his Word and moved mightily for me.

I have grown and stretched,


became rooted and found freedom,

increased and decreased,

learned to truly live through his Word,

and, most importantly, I am far from finished!

My prayer is that my words point you to him. I hope that we can walk out this life together, in community, and encourage one another to be Waychoosers (see how I did that😂 ) who choose to follow God’s way and create our own extraordinary love stories with him!